Thursday, May 5, 2011

Blogs and assorted miscellany

Welcome visitors - on a completely made-up survey basis as a reader you likely fall into three groups:

1.  My lovely relatively (1.5yrs) newly-wed wife who is probably wondering why I am putting any of my admittedly limited and precious time into something her uber-web connected friend described as a dead/dying media.

2.  My friends/family back in the UK who I have been pretty rubbish at staying in touch with, though I like to think that is a function of being good enough friends that it is what we talk about when we catch up that matters rather than what we don't do when time and multiple-hour time-zones intervene.

3.  Everyone else - in which case your finding and (potential?) interest is as remarkable as it is random.

But for the purposes of clarity and the appropriate lowering of expectations , this blog is going to be a mixture of observations, episodic updates and rarely a tidbit of potentially useful information, namely stuff that I couldn't find an straight-forward answer to on the internet* and have subsequently distilled into the kind of post I was looking for in the first place.

From Cadillac spark plugs to Healthcare and birthers, beverages, rooting Droids, BBQs and surfboards, this window into the random mish-mash of thoughts that bubble up during (in)opportune moments I hope will prove moderately amusing, of mild interest and of use to at least 2 people.

Onwards and sidewards,

Rich (the Brit, in Santa Barbara in case you were wondering)

*(is it me or is Yahoo Answers and it's ilk the biggest and most annoying repository of frustratingly incomplete and useless Google-polluting information?)

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